Whether Weather
Whether-or-Not-Wear-a-Jacket-Teeshirt-or-Winter Coat Weather
Wednesday, April 8, 2020. Woke up to fog, but the sun soon burned it off We spent the morning cutting scrub and invasive honeysuckle out of the woods to the north of the house. By lunchtime we were sweating in tee shirts.On Thursday 4/9/20 the spring weather turned sulky and it was cold enough for winter coats. As we were clearing brush near the lower pond the wind blew. First sullen gray clouds that spit sleet. Then blue skies and sun. Then a brief white-out blizzard. I tried to take some pictures but my fingers were too cold! Our neighbors LeRoy and his son-in-law, Ron dropped off a dozen eggs and some fertilizer (cow manure)
Friday 4/10/20 We split the big chunks of ash wood. The Emerald Ash Borer has taken many of our shade trees and changed the forest for the rest of our life time.
The weather was just cool enough to make the heavy work comfortable.
Mark trimmed the Mock Orange bushes that we transplanted in 1990. He's trying out the new hedge trimmer chainsaw. It is now named Lil Biter.
It's going to be great for removing the invasive bushes like honeysuckle and multiflora rose.
and inside.
Sunday, 4/12/20 We took the day off and did almost nothing. Not only because it was Easter but also because we were feeling under the weather.
The wind was so cold that we needed winter coats again.
Mark spent the afternoon... you guessed it... cutting brush around the little pond. I sorted through boxes in the storage pod.
Our friend, Alescha, baked 3 amazing loaves of bread and brought one by - still warm!
Tuesday 4/14/20 Spent the morning piling brush Mark cut. I didn't take any pictures ... because it doesn't look too much different from other pictures of brush!
Wednesday 4/15/20 Woke up to snow but the sun will soon remove that!
Another day to spend dragging out brush!