Lights to the North (but not the Aurora)
4/3/20 - 4/7/20
We've spent a lot of our time outdoors for the past three days with most of the time spent on completing the outdoor electrical wiring north of the house I am the assistant and go-for in this type of task.
I helped Mark
- finish digging the trench.
- pull wire through conduit.
- bury wire in conduit.
While Mark made electrical connections for outdoor outlets and lamp post, I raked garden beds.
Just when I was getting tired of it a bluebird stopped by to remind me to be happy!
Daffodils are almost ready to bloom. Virginia Spring Beauties sprinkle across the grass.
Everything is coming to life... including very hungry, very tiny ticks.
On the first sunny day we got out the solar oven and baked chicken and rice. It only took 15 minutes to reach 250 degrees and about an hour to bake the casserole. Because there was an occasional haze of clouds it did not get much hotter than 300. Regardless, a reminder of why no living thing should be left in a closed car on a sunny day even in early spring!
Dandelions are another thing sprouting merrily in the yard. I foraged a few to add to our lunch. This early this little nutritional powerhouse is not bitter. Parboiled and saute'd they are tastier than spinach.
Ta DA! The payoff for trench digging and Mark's electrical connections!